July 2016
BSPR meeting 2016: Proteomic Approaches to Health and Disease
Dr Frank Schmidt was invited to give a keynote talk in the session entitled Infectious disease and Microbiome at the British Society for Proteome Research (BSPR) meeting 2016, July 25th - 27th, The University of Glasgow, Scotland.
February 2016
4th Statusseminar ZIK FunGene
The 4th and Statusseminar of the Competence Centre Functional Genomics (ZIK FunGene) took place February 16th at the Alfried Kupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald.
Scientists, representatives of the public interest, and collaboration partners were invited to join the final Statusseminar. Invited speakers looked back at many successful years of proteomics research in Greifswald but also discussed future developments of functional genomics in Greifswald. The junior research leaders Frank Schmidt (Applied Proteomics) and Falko Hochgräfe (Pathoproteomics) presented the results and achievement of 5 years ZIK FunGene.
ZIK programm: [PDF]
Read the Unternehmen Region Article
October 2015
ZIK scientist visits collaboration partner in La Plata (Argentina)
Kristin Surmann visited our collaboration partners Maria Eugenia Rodriguez and Yanina Lamberti (Investigadora Asistente CONICET, Lab. de Microbiología Celular e Inmunomecanismos, CINDEFI, La Plata, Argentinien) for four weeks in October 2015. The working group is mainly focussing on the pertussis germ Bordetella pertussis . Kristin conducted infection experiments on the bacteria. Future visits are planned.
September 2015
14th HUPO, Vancouver, Canada
Dr Frank Schmidt, Dr Stephan Michalik and Nandakumar Sundaramoorthy represented the junior research group "Applied Proteomics" at the Annual World Congress of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) , September 27 - 30, Vancouver, Canada.
Dr Frank Schmidt presented the latest work of the junior research group in two talks. Stephan Michalik gave one talk.
For further information please visit the Homepage - HUPO 2015

4th ICAP in Costa de Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal
Dr Frank Schmidt will represent the junior research group "Applied Proteomics" at the 4th International Congress on Analytical Proteomics (ICAP), September 07 - 09, Costa de Caparica, Lisbon, Portugal. He will give a talk on "S. aureus specific proteome analysis for the characterization of host-pathogen interactions".
For further information please visit the Homepage - ICAP 2015
June 2015
IX Annual Congress of the European Proteomics Association in Milano, Italy
Dr Frank Schmidt was invited to give a talk on "A combined proteomics approach for the characterization of the human adaptive immune response to S. aureus antigens" at the EuPA Congress, June 23 - 28, Milano, Italy.
May 2015
Section editor in Journal of Proteomics
The Journal of Proteomics named Dr Frank Schmidt section editor for 'Proteomics in Microbiology'.
April 2015
12th International Life Science Meeting in Krems, Austria
Dr Frank Schmidt was invited to give a talk on "S. aureus specific proteome and immuno-proteome analysis for the establishment of specific signatures of infection" at the 12th International Life Science Meeting, April 15 - 17, Krems, Austria.
March 2015
Invited speaker from Lyon and Erlangen
We invited Suzana Salcedo from Lyon and Anja Lührmann from Erlangen to give a talk on their current research on host-pathogen-interactions. The talks will be on March 18th at the Hörsaal Microbiology.
February 2015
New funding
A new funding support by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) within the framework of the Central Innovation Program SME (Zentrales Innovationsprogramm Mittelstand – ZIM) was granted.
January 2015
Congratulations on the graduation of our (former) bachelor student Alexander Rabe, master student Tanja Meyer and PhD student Kristin Surmann. Well done! We wish you all the best for the future.
December 2014
Invited speaker from ISB, Seattle
We invited Ulrike Kusebauch from the Research Scientist Institute for Systems Biology, Seattle, USA to give a talk on the Development of comprehensive quantitative proteome resources and applications to disease diagnostics. The talk will take place December 11th at the Hörsaal Ost.
3rd Statusseminar ZIK FunGene
The 3rd Statusseminar of the Competence Centre Functional Genomics (ZIK FunGene) takes place December 1st.
Oktober 2014
Celebrating 10 years FunGene
Professor Michael Hecker, speaker of the ZIK-FunGene, invited scientists and representative of public interest to celebrate 10 years of ZIK-FunGene in Greifswald. Beside the rector of the University of Greifswald, Professor Johanna Eleonore Weber, even the minister for Education and Science, Professor Johanna Wanka will attend to celebrate this anniversary. After short welcome speeches, Professor Johanna Wanka, Professor Heyo K. Kroemer and Professor Ernst Rietschel would like to give some interesting talks in honour of the occasion.
Press information: [PDF]
24th DGfZ in Dresden, Germany
This year's DGFZ will take place in Dresden (15-17 October). Dr Frank Schmidt will be session chair for 'Big Data in Cytomics'. Dr Petra Hildebrandt will present new data on FACS analysis.
The conference agenda can be found here.
13th HUPO in Madrid, Spain
Dr Frank Schmidt and Dr Manuela Gesell Salazar will represent the junior research group "Applied Proteomics" at the Annual World Congress of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) , October 04 - 08, Madrid, Spain.
Dr Frank Schmidt will present the latest data on proteome mapping in collaboration with our partners from ETH Zurich and ISB Seattle. Furthermore Dr Schmidt is now member of the specialist team in the 'Infectious Diseases (HID-HPP) Initiative'.
For further information please visit the Homepage - HUPO 2014
May 2014
New collaboration
The Department of Microbiology and Infection Control, Akershus University Hospital, Oslo, Norway is new partner of the junior research group 'Applied Proteomics'. In cooperation with our partner Professor Barbara Bröker (Immunology, Greifswald) and Dr Hege Vangstein Aamot (Akershus University Hospital, Oslo) we will analyse specific Staphylococcus aureus immunoproteomics profiles in sepsis patients. Granted by the Norwegian Research Council as well as the Norwegian Regional Health Authorities.
April 2014
GeneData training
For four days part of our team participated in a beneficial GeneData training in Basel.
- GeneData training, Basel, 2014, Copyright Juri Junkov
March 2014
Nature Genetics Letter accepted
Our letter "Rare and low-frequency coding variants in CXCR2 and other genes are associated with hematological traits" has been accepted for publication in the next issue of Nature Genetics.
Lecture series announced
New lectures have been announced. Please see our Lecture tab for details.
December 2013
2nd Statusseminar ZIK FunGene
The 2nd Statusseminar of the Competence Centre Functional Genomics (ZIK FunGene) takes place December 4th.
October 2013
Allergy School in Greifswald, Germany
The junior research group "Applied Proteomics" will participate at this year's Allergy School "The place of "omics" in the diagnostic lab - Update on A&CI laboratory methods", Greifswald (7-11 October). The school is organised by the EAACI Interest Group on Functional Genomics & Proteomics and the University Medicine Greifswald. Dr Frank Schmidt is invited to talk about "Proteome-wide characterisation of bacterial antigenic proteins"
For further information please visit the Homepage - EAACI - Allergy School
23rd DGfZ in Dresden, Germany
Invited speaker Dr Petra Hildebrandt will represent the junior research group "Applied Proteomics" at this year's Conference of the German Society for Cytometry (DGfZ) in Dresden (9-11 October). Topic of her talk will be: "Labeling of Staphylococcus aureus with fluorescent or para-magnetic nano-particles highlights new capabilities for following host-pathogen interactions"
For further information please visit the Homepage - DGfZ 2013
Meeting with research partners in Seattle, USA
Dr Frank Schmidt will meet our research partners from the Institute of Systems Biology (ISB) in Seattle, USA. He will discuss current research results as well as future perspectives.
For further information on ISB please visit the ISB Homepage
September 2013
12th HUPO in Yokohama, Japan
Dr Frank Schmidt and Dr Stephan Michalik represent the junior research group "Applied Proteomics" at the Annual World Congress of the Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) , September 14 - 18, Yokohama, Japan. Topic of this year's HUPO is "The Evolution of Technology in Proteomics".
Invited speaker Dr Frank Schmidt will talk about "In Deep Characterization of the Host Pathogen Interaction During Internalization of Staphylococcus aureus by A549 Cells".
For further information please visit the Homepage - HUPO 2013
August 2013
Guest Associate Editor for Frontiers
Dr Frank Schmidt is invited to be Guest Editor for Frontiers which recently became part of the Nature Publishing Group.
Frank and his two colleagues will be Topic Editors for "Environmental Microbiology at the Single Cell Level".
For further information please visit Frontier - Research Topic and Profile - Frank Schmidt
May 2013
META ZIK founded
The ZIKs Fungene (Greifswald) and Septomics (Jena) intensify their co-operation by the foundation of a META ZIK. The new project is funded by the BMBF for three years. Expertise in the fields of Proteomics (Greifswald) and sepsis research (Jena) will be combined to identify novel biomarkers for sepsis.