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Universitätsmedizin Greifswald Universität Greifswald

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Neuroendoscopy Fellowship

Fellowship in Neuroendoscopy 2024

Course Outline

This fellowship program is aiming to train young neurosurgeons on using the endoscope in various neurosurgical procedures, in addition to give them a wide overview that would help in decision making in various clinical scenarios.


The Hands-On-Module will be in the Institute of Anatomy from 28th August - 30th August 2024.


For detailed information please visit our new fellowship website at:






Please note that only the following e-mail is available for all contact regarding the fellowship:




Please do not contact the supervisors or the coordinator directly.


For any correspondation we will use the e-mail address you registered with for the fellowship. On this e-mail you will receive e.g. the invitations for the web meetings and the exams. Participation is only possible with this one e-mail address!





Fellowship Supervisors


Prof. Dr. med. Henry W. S. Schroeder (Greifswald)

Prof. Ahmed Zohdi (Cairo)


Organization Team


Dr. med. Ehab El Refaee (Greifswald/Cairo)

Jana Templin, M.A. (Greifswald)

Marc Matthes, M.Sc. (Greifswald)

Dr. Mohamed El Sawy (Cairo)

Dr. Ahmed El Rahman (Cairo)


Lecturers (in alphabetical order)


PD Dr. med. Jörg Baldauf (Greifswald)

Prof. Mohamed El Beltagy (Cairo)

PD Dr. med. Steffen Fleck (Greifswald)

Prof. Reda Kamel (Cairo)

Prof. Mostafa Kotb (Cairo)

Prof. Amr Safwat (Cairo)

Prof. Amr El Samman (Cairo)

Dr. Mohammed El Sawy (Cairo)



Past Fellowships



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