Duration: 1.10.2009 until 30.09.2014
Grant from the BMBF: 14 million euros, of which 12.6 million support research in Greifswald
Project Number: 03IS2061A
Grant from the State government of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania: 1.4 million euros
The GANI_MED-consortium assembles experts from various national and international academic institutions as well as industrial partners that help to study Individualized Medicine comprehensively and holistically. (more on the term "Individualized Medicine" here).
GANI_MED was initiated by the five faculties of the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University in Greifswald. The University Hospital, one of the most modern of its kind in Germany, has a broad expertise in biochemical diagnostics and hospital informatics. In addition, the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP), a population-based cohort study, provides important information about the distribution of risk factors, subclinical disease and clinically overt disease in the general population and serves as reference population for the patient cohorts in GANI_MED.
Altogether, the GANI_MED-consortium provides the infrastructure (e.g. for biobanking, bioinformatics and medical informatics) necessary to systematically develop innovative analytical procedures that allow new insights into individual differences during the formation, progression and treatment of medically and societally relevant disease conditions, including heart disease, stroke, renal failure, fatty liver, periodontal disease and the metabolic syndrome. To this end, several patient cohorts will be established that will be phenotyped with a comparable standard like the SHIP study.
By tightly integrating clinical and population-based research, GANI_MED intends to ascertain whether and which promising individualization concepts are suited for the treatment of patients. In addition, the scientists will also systematically analyze ethical and economic implications of Individualized Medicine.
Information brochures on our patient cohorts can be found here.