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Improvement of the research competitiveness in neuroscience
at the Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald

Project acronym: ImpactG     Grant agreement no.: 229750


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Focus on Neuroscience Research in Greifswald

Presently, neuroscience is the fastest growing area in basic scientific research. Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary field dedicated to improve our understanding of neural communication mechanisms in health and disease. Knowledge, treatments and cures continue to be discovered through neuroscientific research. The combination of structural and functional studies allow the integrative investigation of neural development, cellular responses to injury, disease and genetic modification. Further, the mechanisms that underlie communication between nerve cells and the processing of information through brain and spinal cord circuits can be elucidated. The recent development of probes and microscopic techniques for localizing critical molecules in neurons as well as new noninvasive imaging methods that can directly link brain function to behavior have provided breakthroughs in the way we view the brain, revealing the diversity and complexity of the constituent neurons and circuits.


The Neuroscience Group at the Medical Faculty of the University of Greifswald promotes interdisciplinary investigations from the level of gene expression in single neurons to imaging of localized regions of the human brain and neurorehabilitation. Ongoing studies encompass: behavioral neuroscience; neurorehabilitation; functional neuroimaging and sensorimotor integration; molecular neurophysiology; molecular and cellular mechanisms underyling recovery of brain tissue and function after stroke; adult brain neurogenesis and tissue regeneration.


Institutions in Greifswald
