
Teaching immunology is a pleasure and a challenge.

Besides research, the Department of Immunology has tasks in teaching, providing tuition in immunology at UMG and the Science Faculty of the University of Greifswald in the following courses: Medicine, B. Sc. Biomedical Science, Pharmacy, B. Sc./M.Sc. Human Biology, B. Sc. Biology as well as M. Sc. Biochemistry.

- How does the immune system keep us healthy in a world of microbes?
- How does it fight cancer?
- What happens when things go wrong in the immune system and allergy or autoimmune disease are the  result?


Students can find our textbook Grundwissen Immunologie, an accessible introduction to this powerful system, which shapes both health and disease.

All current dates for our courses can be found on the University self-service portal. Here you can compile your timetable and register for events.



Scripts, lecture slides or literature for our courses can be found on the University Moodle learning platform


In the eCampus of the University Medicine Greifswald, medical students can find all information:

- Evaluation
- Group divisions
- Exam results
- Enrollment
- Scripts and presentation slides
  and much more.



For all questions concerning our courses, please contact our student secretariat:

Frau Carmelina Schürhoff
Office: J03.02
Phone: 03834
86 5453
E-mail: carmelina.schuerhoff[at]med.uni-greifswald.de

Office hours:
Montag and Wednesday: 08.30 AM – 11:30 AM
Thursday: 3:00 PM – 5 PM


For questions about practical courses please contact:

Frau Dr. Grazyna Domanska
Phone: 03834 86 5462
E-mail: grazyna.domanska[at]uni-greifswald.de


For appointments with Prof. Barbara Bröker, please contact the secretary at 03834 86 5468